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University of Zagreb Faculty of Textile Technology announces public call for admission to enrol students in the academic year 2024/2025 in the doctoral study program




to enrol students in the academic year 2024/2025 in the Postgraduate doctoral study program


to obtain the academic PhD degree


Candidates who have completed graduate study with a Grade point average (GPA) of 3.51 can apply for the postgraduate university study TEXTILE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. Admission for the candidates with a lower GPA is possible with a recommendation letter from two professors from the alma mater.

Candidates who have completed another related university graduate study in the Republic of Croatia, ie university graduate study abroad may enroll in postgraduate study in accordance with the Statute of the University of Zagreb, and according to the conditions of enrollment in postgraduate study Textile Science and Technology.

The postgraduate doctoral study lasts for six (6) semesters. The expenses of the study programme in the academic year 2024/2025 are 1.200,00 € (one thousand and two hundred euros) per semester. If the study is funded by a company or an institution, the applicant will be required to submit a document verifying the settlement of expenses.

Candidates are required to submit their applications and enclosures:

  • Prescribed application forms available on the website of the University of Zagreb Faculty of Textile Tehnology and the Student administration office;
  • Copy of the diploma certified by the notary public;
  • Grade transcript of the undergraduate study and certificate of grade average certified by the student service or copies certified by the notary public;
  • Copy of the citizenship certificate;
  • Copy of an identity card or passport;
  • Excerpt from the registry of births;
  • Official decision of the competent authority for those applicants who changed their first and/or last name;
  • CV (Europass);
  • Motivation letter;
  • Statement on the method of payment of tuition fees (independently, institution, project);
  • Certificate of English language proficiency (issued by a school for foreign languages);
  • Recommendation letter from two professors from the alma mater for the candidates with a GPA lower of 3.51.

An interview with the applicant is a mandatory part of the enrolment process.

Application forms must be submitted untill 20th September 2024., sent or delivered to the following address:

University of Zagreb Faculty of Textile Technology
Student Office,  Prilaz baruna Filipovića 28a, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Detailed information can be obtained:

by phone: +385 (1) 3712 530 (Sandra Jakobasic administrator of the doctoral study)
and by e-mail: ds@ttf.unizg.hr

The Doctoral Study Council „Textile science and technology"

Open positions
27.05.2024 13:24

University of Zagreb Faculty of Textile Technology announces public call for admission to enrol students in the academic year 2024/2025 in the doctoral study program