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Ph. D. Ivo Soljačić, Prof. Emeritus


Department of Textile Chemistry and Ecology

Personal data

  • Date of birth: 28.10.1935., Zagreb
  • Home Address: Vramčeva 10, Zagreb
  • Home Phone: ++385 1 48 17 567
  • Having 3 children: Ivana, Hrvojka, Marin
  • Witwer

 Web links

  • https://bib.irb.hr/lista-radova?autor=57132&lang=EN

 Academic education

  • 1959 - Graduate: B.Sc. - Dip. Ing: University of Zagreb, Faculty of chemistry-biotechnology-mining University of Zagreb, course: chemistry (mentor: Prof. Jovanka Jovanović)
  • 1967 - Postgraduate: M. Sc: Studies on the mercerization on cotton: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Pharmacy and Biochemistry (mentor: Prof. Mladen Žerdik)
  • 1971 - PhD: Concentration quenching of the fluorescence optical brighteners: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Technology (mentor: Prof. Karlo Weber)

 Employment and titles

  • 1959 - 1963. Tvorpam, Zagreb; Textile factory for cotton industry; technologist
  • 1963 - 1971. Faculty of Technology, University of Zagreb, Assistant
  • 1971 - 1974. Faculty of Technology, University of Zagreb, Assistant Professor
  • 1974 - 1977. Faculty of Technology, University of Zagreb, Associated Professor
  • 1977 - 1991. Faculty of Technology, University of Zagreb, Full professor
  • 1991 - 2005. Faculty of Textile Technology, University of Zagreb, Full professor
  • 2006 Sveučilište u Zagrebu, Tekstilno-tehnolški fakultet, Professor emeritus

 Scientific specialisation and research stays abroad

  • Technische Universität Dresden, 1978, 1992
  • Bayer Leverkusen, 1966, 1970
  • Cassela, Frankfurt, 1966
  • BASF Ludwigshafen, 1967
  • CIBA, Basel, 1968, 1976
  • Sandoz, Basel, 1969
  • Hoechst, Frankfurt, 1971

 Teaching activity

  • Graduate study:
  • Basics of textile finishing
  • Textile finishing
  • Textile care
  • Theory of textile finishing
  • Graduate study: Tehniška Univerziteta Maribor 1991-1994: Textile finishing
  • Professional study:
  • Zagreb: Textile finishing operations
  • Varaždin: Textile care
  • D.Resa: Textile care
  • Postgraduate study:
  • Textile Auxiliaries in Finishing
  • Physico-chemical processes of textile finishing
  • Doctoral study:
  • Ecological Approach in the Textile Care Processes
  • Enzymes in Finishing and texcare Processes


  • Graduate papers: about seventy
  • Master thesis (Master of science):
  • 1.Ana Marija Grancarić: Fluorescencija optičkih bjelila na PES vlaknima, Tehnološki fakultet, Zagreb, 1974.
  • 2.Ružica Čunko: Ispitivanje utjecaja anorganskih soli na efekte optičkog bijeljenja pamučnih tkanina, Tehnološki fakultet, Zagreb, 1976.
  • 3.Stjepan Vrbanić: Oplemenjivanje-hidrofobiranje i oleofobiranje tkanina vunenog tipa iz organskih otapala, Tehnološki fakultet, Zagreb, 1979.
  • 4.Nikola Stipanović: Istraživanja fluorescencije disperznih bojila na PES tkaninama, Tehnološki fakultet, Zagreb, 1981.
  • 5.Drago Katović: Određivanje bakra i željeza u tekstilnim materijalima metodom anodne stripping voltametrije, Tehnološki fakultet, Zagreb, 1981.
  • 6.Josip Veršec: Racionalizacija procesa mercerizacije pamučnih konaca i razrada nove metode za kontrolu postignutih efekata, Tehnološki fakultet, Zagreb, 1981.
  • 7.Neda Paić: Utjecaj tenzida na efekte hidrofobiranja i oleofobiranja tekstilnih materijala, Tehnološki fakultet, Zagreb, 1982.
  • 8.Nada Hainš: Utjecaj anorganskih soli na efekte optičkog bijeljenja vune i poliamida, Tehnološki fakultet, Zagreb, 1983.
  • 9.Milčica Laković: Poliakrilatna veziva na netkanom tekstilu, Tehnološki fakultet, Zagreb, 1986.
  • 10.Tanja Pušić: Utjecaj optičkih bjelila na nijansu pastelnih obojenja, Tehnološki fakultet, Zagreb, 1990.
  • 11.Božo Tomić: Promjena obojenja u pranju i na svjetlu na pamučnim tkaninama tiskanim fluorescentim pigmentnim bojilima,Tekstilno-tehnološki fakultet, Zagreb, 1992.
  • 12.Stana Karin: Belina in fluorescenca ekološko neporočno beljenega celuloznega vlakna, Tehniška fakulteta, Maribor, 1992.(komentor)
  • 13.Sandra Bischof Vukušić: Ekološki povoljne apreture protiv gužvanja za celulozna vlakna, Tekstilno-tehnološki fakultet Zagreb 1994.(komentor)
  • 14.Vesna Marija Potočić: Projektiranje akademske odore Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Tekstilno-tehnološki fakultet Zagreb 2002.
  • Doctoral thesis:
  • 1.Dubravka Raffaelli: Prilog proučavanju kristaličnosti i orijentacije poli(etilentereftalnih) vlakana, Tehnološki fakultet, Zagreb, 1976.
  • 2.Ana Marija Grancarić: Istraživanje optičkih bjelila na tekstilnim materijalima, Tehnološki fakultet, Zagreb, 1979.
  • 3.Dinko Pezelj: Tehnološke mogućnosti oplemenjivanja odjevnih proizvoda u organskim otapalima, Tehnološki fakultet, Zagreb, 1982.
  • 4.Drago Katović: Istraživanje slobodnog formaldehida u visokom oplemenjivanju pamuka i njegovih mješavina, Tehnološki fakultet, Zagreb, 1985.
  • 5.Emil Erlač: Studij peroksidnog bijeljenja vune, Tekstilno-tehnološki fakultet, Zagreb, 1992.
  • 6.Tanja Pušić: Utjecaj mercerizacije pamuka na promjenu elektrokinetičkog potencijala i adsorpciju tenzida, Tekstilno-tehnološki fakultet, Zagreb, 1997.(komentor)

 Research activity

  • Scientific Area: Technical Sci.
  • Scientific Field: Textile Technology
  • Scientific Branch: Textile Chemistry

 Area of special research interest

  • Fluorescence of optical brighteners and whitening effects
  • Ecological approach in finishing and texcare processes
  • Mercerization
  • Surface phenomena in textile finishing and care
  • Changes in shade of pastel dyed cotton fabric during laundering
  • Primary and secondary washing effects
  • The impact of fluorescent compounds on the change of pastel colored fabrics during laundering
  • Adsorption and desorption mechanisms of surfactants
  • Finishing during washing, wet cleaning and dry cleaning
  • Enzymes in textile finishing and care
  • UV Protection of washed fabrics
  • Textile Care

 Scientific-professional work

  • Book: 5
  • Chapter in the book: 10
  • Original scientific paper: 84
  • Review papers: 17
  • Professional papers: 59
  • Participation at International Symposiums: 25
  • Participation at Domestic Symposiums: 42

 List of key scientific papers

  • 1. T. Dekanić, I. Soljačić, T. Pušić : Impact of Artificial UV-Light on Optical and Protective Effects of Cotton After Washing with Dtergent containing Fluorescent Compounds Tenside Surf. Det. 51 (2014) ,5, 451-459
  • 2. I. Soljačić, T. Pušić; Textiles and ecology, Colourage 59 (2012) 4, 33-41
  • 3. T. Pušić, A. Boban, T. Dekanić I. Soljačić ; The Sorption Ability of Textile, Fibres, Vlakna à Textil 18 (2011) 1, 7-14
  • 4. T. Pusic, I. Soljacic, I. Petrinic, T. Luxbacher: Microcapsule Durability on Poliamide-Knitted Fabrics Assessed by Streaming Potential Analysis, AATCC Review 11 (2011) 5, 68-73
  • 5. T. Pušić, A. M. Grancarić, A. Tarbuk, I. Soljačić: Adsorption and Desorption of Ionic Surfactants, Tenside Surf. Det. 47 (2010) 3, 173-178
  • 6. I. Soljačić, T. Pušić: Changes in Shade and Ultraviolet Protection of Pastel Dyed Cotton fabrics during Laundering with Fluorescent Compounds, Colourage 56 (2009) 1, 42-48
  • 7. T. Pušić, I. Soljačić: The impact of fluorescent compounds on the change in shade, Tenside Surf. Det. 45 (2008) 6, 314-319
  • 8. V. M. Potočić Matković, I. Soljačić, Z. Mencl Bajs: The History of the Dress Code at the University of Zagreb - From Jesuit Talers to Newly Designed Academic Gowns, Costume 42 (2008), 101-110
  • 9. Pušić T., J. Jeličić, M. Nuber, I. Soljačić: Istraživanje sredstava za kemijsko bijeljenje u pranju (Investigation of Bleach Active Compounds in Washing Bath), Tekstil 56 (2007) 7, 412- 417
  • 10. S. Bischof Vukušić, D. Katović, I. Soljačić: Usporedba klasičnih i novih ekoloških sredstava za obradu protiv gužvanja (A Comparison of Conventional and New Ecologically Acceptable Durable Press Finishing Agents), Kem. Ind. 52 (2003) 7-8, 327-333
  • 11. S. Bishof Vukušić, D. Katović, I. Soljačić: DP Finishing with Polycarboxylic Acid and Phosphono-Based Catalysts, AATCC Review 2 (2002) 10, 14-16
  • 12. T. Pušić, A.M. Grancarić, I. Soljačić: The Influence of Bleaching and Mercerization of Cotton on the Changes of Electrokinetic Pontential, Vlakna a Textil 8 (2001) 2, 121-124
  • 13. Đ. Parac-Osterman, I. Soljačić, V. Golob: Utjecaj obrade pamuka na rezultate bojadisanja reaktivnim bojilima (The Impact of Cotton Treatment on Dyeing with Reactive Dyes), Tekstil 49 (2000) 3, 125-150
  • 14. V. Golob, A. M. Grancarić, I. Soljačić: Vpliv predobdelave bombaža na izdatnost reaktivnih barvil (Influence of Pretreatment of Cotton on Reactive Dyestuffs Yield), Tekstilec 43 (2000) 9-10, 331-336
  • 15. T. Pušić, A. M. Grancarić, I. Soljačić, V. Ribitsch: The effect of mercerisation on the electrokinetic potential of cotton, Journal of the Society of Dyers and Colourist 115 (1999) 4, 121-124
  • 16. T. Pušić, R. Čunko, A. Tomljenović, I. Soljačić: Study of Cotton Fiber Swelling Affecting the Degree of Mercerisation, American Dyestuff Reporter 88 (1999) 6, 5-18
  • 17. N. Hainš, D. Katović, I. Soljačić: Suvremene apreture za vodoodbojnu i uljeodbojnu obradu tekstila (Modern Finishing Agents for Water-Repellent and Oil-Repellent Finish), Tekstil 47 (1998) 7, 345-349
  • 18. I. Soljačić, M. Pavelić: Promjena obojenja svijetlo obojadisanih tkanina u industrijskom pranju (Discoloration of Light Dyed Fabrics at Industrial Washing), Tekstil 47 (1998) 3, 131-137
  • 19. A. M. Grancarić, T. Pušić, I. Soljačić, V. Ribitsch: Influence of Elektrokinetic Pontential on Adsorption of Cationic Surfactants, Textile Chemist and Colourist 29 (1997) 12, 33-35
  • 20. I. Soljačić, N. Hainš, R. Balažinec, D. Katović, S. Bischof-Vukušić: Impact Of Crease - Proof Finishing On Color In Reactive Dyed Viscose Fabrics, American Dyestuff Reporter 86 (1997) 6, 43-46
  • 21. I. Soljačić: Preobraženje Kristovo u očima fizikalnog kemičara (Transfiguration of Jesus Christ as Seen by a Physical Chemist), Obnovljeni život - 52 (1997) 2, 151-160
  • 22. D. Katović, I. Soljačić, G. Orji, I. Piljac: Polarography Determination of Free Formaldehyde on Treated Cotton Fabrics, Croatica Chemica Acta CCA 69 (1996) 1, 1-8
  • 23. S. Bischof-Vukušić, I. Soljačić, D. Katović: Durable Press Finishing Combining Different Derivates of Dihidroxy -Ethylene Urea, American Dyestuff Reporter 85 (1996) 5, 20-27
  • 24. D. Katović, I. Soljačić, B. Kuzmek: Novi postupak diskontinuiranog bijeljenja pamučnih pletiva (New Method of the Batch Bleaching of Cotton Knitted Fabrics), Tekstil 45 (1996) 9, 447-451
  • 25. I. Soljačić: Vorbehandlung mit Aufhellern vermindert Farbänderungen (Pretreatmet with Optical Brighteners Lowers the Level of Shade Changes), Reiniger und Wäscher 48 (1995) 9, 18-24
  • 26. I. Soljačić, R. Čunko: Hrvatski tekstil kroz povijest (Croatian textiles troughaut history), Tekstil 43 (1994) 11, 584-602
  • 27. D. Katović, V. Ritz, I. Rukavina, I. Soljačić: Istraživanja svojstva novog reaktanta s niskim sadržajem formaldehida (Investigations of the properties of newly developed reactant with a low free formaldehyde content), Tekstil 43 (1994) 7, 327-334
  • 28. Lj. Bokić, I. Soljačić, K. Moskaliuk: Afinitet vunenog materijala prema ionima teških metala (Affinity of wool fabric to heavy metal ions), Tekstil 43 (1994) 3, 109-112
  • 29. I. Soljačić, D. Pezelj, T. Arsova: Utjecaj parametara frontalnog fiksiranja na čvrstoću i postojanosti spoja u kemijskom čišćenju, te na promjenu obojenja osnovne tkanine (Influence of the parameters of front bonding on the tenacity and resistance of the bond in dry cleaning and on the change of colour of the top cloth), Tekstil 42 (1993) 9, 489-495
  • 30. I. Soljačić, T. Pušić, L. Čavara: Einfluss optischer Aufheller auf die Farbaenderung pastellgefärbter Textilien (The Influence of Optical Brighteners on Colour Change on Pastel Dyed Fabrics), Textilveredlung 27 (1992) 10, 326-328
  • 31. I. Soljačić, V. Soić, A. M. Grancarić, D. Katović, R. Balažinec: Untersuchungen über öl-und Wasserabweisende Appreturen auf Polyamidgewebe (Investigation of Oil - and Water - Repellent Finishes on Polyamide Fabrics), Textil Praxis int. 47 (1992) 8, 729-731
  • 32. E. Erlač, I. Soljačić, N. Hainš: Einfluss von Kupfer-und Eisensalzen beim Bleichen der Wolle (Influence of Copper and Iron Salts During Bleaching of Wool), Melliand Textilber 73 (1992) 11, 902-904
  • 33. I. Soljačić, T. Pušić, L. Čavara: Nuancieren von hellen Färbungen mit optischen Aufhellern (Light Shade Hueing Using Optical Brighteners), Melliand Textilber 73 (1992) 7, 582-585
  • 34. I. Soljačić-Richter, I. Soljačić: Uloga i značenje stručnih kadrova u tekstilnoj i odjevnoj industriji Hrvatske (Role and significance of the expert personnel in the reconstruction of the textile and clothing industry of Croatia), Tekstil 41 (1992) 4, 169-175
  • 35. I. Soljačić, D. Katović, A. M. Grancarić: Der Einfluss von Sequestriermitteln beim optischen Aufhellen in Gegenwart von Metallionen (The Influence of Sequestrants in Optical Brightening in Presence of Metal Ions), Textil Praxis International (1991) 4, 331-333
  • 36. D. Katović, I. Soljačić, V. Šimić: Utjecaj katalizatora i temperture kondenzacije na oslobadanje formaldehida s visokooplemenjenih tkanina od pamuka i mješavina poliester/pamuk (Influence exerted by catalyst and temperature of condensation on the release of formaldehyde from creaseproff cotton fabrics and polyester-cotton blended fabrics), Tekstil 38 (1989) 3, 131-135
  • 37. D. Katović, I. Soljačić: The Effect of Condensation Temperature on Formaldehyde Release from Durable Press Fabrics, Textile Research Journal 58 (1988) 9, 552-554
  • 38. I. Soljačić, D. Katović: The effect heating on the release of formaldehyde from durable-press finished fabrics, Journal of the Society of Dyers and Colourist 104 (1988) 10, 384-386
  • 39. A. M. Grancarić, I. Soljačić, I. Rukavina, T. Čavar: Utjecaj obrade na efekte alkalne hidrolize poliestera (Influence of the procedure of treatment on the effects of alkaline hidrolysis of polyester), Tekstil 37 (1988) 12, 689-694
  • 40. M. Laković, I. Soljačić, B. Kuzmek: Istraživanje polidisperznih veziva na netkanom tekstilu (Investigations of polydisperse binding agents on non-wovens), Tekstil 37 (1988) 7, 411-419
  • 41. I. Soljačić, D. Katović, A. M. Grancarić: Istraživanja novih postupaka mercerizacije pletiva (Investigations of new, modified mercerizing processes of knitgoods), Tekstil 36 (1987) 11, 607-610
  • 42. D. Katović, I. Soljačić, T. Čavar: Utjecaj pranja tekstilnog materijala obradenog protiv gužvanja na oslobadanje formaldehida (Influence of washing crease-resistant finished fabrics on formaldehyde release), Tekstil 36 (1987) 7, 363-370
  • 43. I. Soljačić, S. Vrbanić, D. Pezelj, E. Erlač: Oplemenjivanje, hirofobiranje i oleofobiranje vunarskih tkanina u organskim otapalima (Processing, water and oil - repellency treatment of wool fabrics in organics solvents), Tekstil 36 (1987) 4, 189-194
  • 44. D. Pezelj, I. Soljačić, E. Pezelj: Impregniranje i reimpregniranje u kupelji perkloretilena (Impregnation and reimpregnation in perchlorethylene liquor), Tekstil 36 (1987) 1, 1-4
  • 45. B. Kuzmek, I. Soljačić: Skraćeni postupak bijeljenja, apretiranja i bojadisanja tekstila (Shortened methods of beaching, finishing and dyeing textiles), Tekstil 35 (1986) 8, 581-591
  • 46. D. Katović, I. Piljac, I. Soljačić: Determination of Copper in Textile Materials by Anodic Stripping Voltametry, Textile Research Journal 55 (1985) 1, 20-23
  • 47. I. Soljačić, J. Veršec, M. Vlatković: Bestimmung der Jodadsorptionszahl mercerizierter und unmerzerizierter Baumwolle mit radioaktivem Jod (Determination of the Jodine Adsorption Value of Mercerized and Non-mercerized Cotton with Radioactive Jodine), Melliand Textilberichte 66 (1985) 7, 522-524
  • 48. D. Katović, I. Soljačić, I. Piljac: Određivanje slobodnog formaldehida u apreturama (Determination of free formaldehyde in finishes), Tekstil 34 (1985) 8, 543-550
  • 49. I. Soljačić, A. M. Grancarić, R. Čunko: Negative Einflüsse bei optischen Aufhellern (Factors Having Detrimental Influence on Optical Brightening), Textiltechnik DDR 35 (1985) 4, 206-211
  • 50. I. Soljačić, A. M. Grancarić, B. Luburić: Der Einfluss von Tensiden auf optische Aufhelleffekte von Baumwollegeweben (The Inpact of Surfactants on Optical Brightening Effects on Cotton Woven Fabrics), Textil Praxis International 39 (1984) 8, 775-779
  • 51. N. Hainš, I. Soljačić: Utjecaj anorganskih soli na efekte optičkog bijeljenja vune i poliamida (Influence of inorganic salts on the brighteining effect of wool and polyamide), Tekstil 33 (1984) 10, 707-716
  • 52. B. Kuzmek, I. Soljačić: Migracija bojila na tkanini kod sušenja (Dyestuff migration in textiles in the process of drying), Tekstil 32 (1983) 11, 759-772
  • 53. D. Pezelj. I. Soljačić: Utjecaj apreture osnovne tkanine na efekt fiksiranja medjupodstave (Influence of chemical finish of the face cloth on the fixation effect of interlining), Tekstil 33 (1983) 5, 279-289
  • 54. I. Soljačić, N. Paić, B. Mutnjaković: Der Einfluss von Tensiden auf Hydrophobier und Oleophobier-Effekte bei Textilien (Influence of Surfactants on the Water and Oil Repellent Effect of Textile Wowen Fabrisc), Textilveredlung 18 (1983) 12, 363-367
  • 55. A. M. Grancarić, I. Soljačić: Einfluss der Konzentration optischer Aufheller auf Fluoreszenz und Weissgrad von Baumwollgeweben (Influcence Exerted by the Concentration of Optical Brighteners on the Fluorescence and Degree of Whiteness of Cotton Fabrics), Melliand Textilberichte 62 (1981) 11, 876-882
  • 56. B. Kuzmek, I. Soljačić, A. M. Grancarić: Visoko oplemenivanje pamuka i mješavina PES/pamuk (Permanent finishing of cotton and polyester-cotton blends), Tekstil 29 (1980), 8, 479-492
  • 57. I. Soljačić, A. M. Grancarić, S. Pećina, D. Katović: Untersuchungen über die Wirkung von optischen Aufhellern in Waschmitteln (Investigation of the Influence of Optical Brighteners in Detergents), Textilveredlung 15 (1980) 7, 242-246
  • 58. I. Soljačić, K. Weber: Die Wirkung organischer Fremdstoffe auf die Fluoreszenz optischer Aufheller (The Effect of Organic Alien Substances on the Fluorescence of Optical Brightening Agents), Textilveredlung 14 (1979) 3, 97-101
  • 59. I. Soljačić, R. Čunko: Wirkung von Kupfer - und Eisensalzen auf die Weisseffekte optisch aufgehelter Baumwolle (Effect of Copper and Iron Salts on the White Effects of Optically Brightened Cotton), Melliand Textilber. 60 (1979) 12, 1032-1037
  • 60. I. Soljačić, K. Weber: Messung der Oberflachenfluoreszenz mit dem Spektralkolorimeter Spekol (Surface Fluorescence Measuring Using Spectral Colorimeter (Spekol), Jeaner Rundschau 23 (1978) 5, 236-237
  • 61. I. Soljačić, R. Čunko: Djelovanje anorganskih soli na efekte optičkog bijeljenja pamučnih tkanina (Action of inorganic salts on the optic brightening effects of cotton fabrics), Tekstil 27 (1978) 4, 185-195
  • 62. I. Soljačić, A.M. Grancarić, M.Husari: Istraživanje mogućnosti sprečavanja katalitičkog djelovanja metalnih iona pri bijeljenju pamuka vodikovim peroksidom (Investigations of the possibilities of preventing the catalytic influence of metal ions in the cotton bleaching with hydrogen peroxide), Tekstil 27 (1978) 1, 1-10
  • 63. I. Soljačić, A. M. Grancarić, K. Weber: Untersuchungen optischer Aufheller an Polyestergeweben (The Investigation of Optical Brighteners on the Bleached Polyester Fabrics), Textilveredlung 10 (1975) 12, 492-498
  • 64. K. Weber, I. Soljačić: Fotometrija površinske fluorescencije (Surface Fluorescence Photometry), Kemija u industriji 23 (1974) 12, 715-726
  • 65. I. Soljačić, K. Weber: Die Wirkung von Fremdstoffen auf die Fluorescenz optischer Aufheller (The Influence of Inorganic Salts on the Fluorescence of Optical Brightening Agents), Textilveredlung 9 (1974) 5, 220-226
  • 66. I. Soljačić, N. Jeličić-Grgesina: Neka istraživanja o mogućnostima smanjenja pilinga na tkaninama PES/pamuk (Some investigations on piling reduction of polyester-cotton blended fabrics), Tekstil 20 (1971) 11, 863-874
  • 67. I. Soljačić, K. Weber: Uber die Konzentrationslöschung der Fluoreszenz optischer Aufheller (On the Concentration Quenching of the Fluorescence of Optical Brightening Agents), Textilveredlung 6 (1971) 12, 796-802
  • 68. M. Žerdik, I. Soljačić: Odnosi izmedu slobodnog skupljanja u lužini, efekata mercerizacije i strukture pamučnih konaca (Relationships between free shrinkage of plied yarns, effects of mercerisation and yarn construction), Tekstil 18 (1969) 2, 109-114
  • 69. M. Žerdik, I. Soljačić: Ovisnost efekata mercerizacije o strukturi prede (Relationships between yarn construction and effects of mercerization), Tekstil 18 (1969) 2, 99-114
  • 70. I. Soljačić, V. Hercigonja, M. Žerdik: Impregnacije na bazi steril-krom-kloridnih spojeva (Water - repellent finishes of fabrics with CHROME - STEARYL compounds and with silicone emulsions), Tekstil 15 (1966) 11, 819-830

 University textbooks and other books

  • BOOKS:
  • 1. I. Soljačić, D. Katović, A. M. Grancarić: Basics of textile finishing - Book I, Bleaching and mercerization, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, 1992., No: 02-564/1-1992
  • 2. A. M. Grancarić, I. Soljačić, D. Katović: Basics of textile finishing - Book II, Textile finishing and dyeing – wet processing, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, 1994., ISBN: 953-96183-8-X
  • 3. Soljačić, I., T. Pušić: Textile Care, book I, Cleaning in water solution, Dragčević, Z. (Ed.), University of Zagreb, Faculty of Textile technology, Zagreb, 2005., ISBN 953-7105-09-1
  • 4. D. Katović, S. Bischof Vukušić, I. Soljačić, A. M. Grancarić: Dry Finishing Processes, Faculty of Textile Technology, 2006, ISBN: 953-7105-07-5
  • 5. Soljačić, I., T. Pušić: Dry cleaning of textiles and leathers, Dragčević, Z. (Ed.), University of Zagreb, Faculty of Textile technology, 2013., ISBN: 978-953-7105-51-8
  • 1. I. Soljačić: Vježbe iz tehnologije apreture,Izdanje Saveza studenata Tehnološkog fakulteta, Zagreb, 1966.
  • 2. I. Soljačić, A. M. Grancarić: Vježbe iz procesa tekstilne dorade, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, izdanje, Liber, Zagreb, 1983., broj 02-513/1-1983
  • 3. I. Soljačić, A. M. Grancarić: Vježbe iz procesa oplemenjivanja tekstila, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, izdanje Savez inženjera i tehničara tekstilaca Hrvatske, Zagreb, 1989.
  • 3a. Reprint Sveučilište u Zagrebu,1995.

 Projects (chief researcher)

  • 1. Studies of production and finishing of polyester-cotton fabrics, 1964 – 1969, Coordinators: Žerdik, L. Gansel, I. Soljačić
  • 2. Studies and changes in fibrous polymers, 1971 – 1975, Ministry of Science in the Republic Croatia, Coordinator: I. Soljacic.
  • 3. Project: Chemistry and technology of polymers, - Science and Technology Committee, 1976 – 1980, Coordinator: Subject Coordinator: I. Soljacic
  • 4. Project 39.: Processes and methods in textile and Clothing Industry, (SIZ II), 1980 - 1985, Science and Technology Committee, Coordinator: I. Soljacic
  • 5. Development and optimization of production, finishing and manufacturing, projekta 1986 – 1990 Science and Technology Committee, Coordinator: I. Soljacic
  • 6. 02-14-034: New methods in finishing of textiles, 1990 - 1996., MSES, Coordinator: I. Soljacic
  • 7. HR-SI bilateral project : Ecological finishing of textiles, MSES, 1997 - 1999., Coordinator: I. Soljacic
  • 8. 117 002: Ecologically acceptable finishing treatments and textile quality, Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Croatia, Zagreb 1991-2002, Coordinator: I. Soljacic.
  • 9. HR-SI bilateral project: Ecology of dry cleaning and washing, MSES, 2000 - 2002., Coordinator: I. Soljacic
  • 10. 117-1171419-1382: Ethics and ecology in the processes of finishing and textile care“, Ministry of Science, Education and Sport, Republic of Croatia, MSES, (2007.-2013.) Coordinator I. Soljačić

 Projects (collaborator)

  • 1. Bilateral HR-SI project: Ecology of dry cleaning and washing,, Ministry of Science Education and Sport of the Republic of Croatia, (2006-2007) Coordinators: T. Pušić / S. Šostar-Turk
  • 2. Bilateral HR-SI project: Chemothermal processes in hospital laundry, Ministry of Science Education and Sport of the Republic of Croatia, (2010-2011), Coordinators: T. Pušić / S. Šostar-Turk
  • 3. E!4178 APTEX: Improving the Application and Durability of Surface Functionalization on Textile Fabrics, EC, 1st January, 2008 – 1st January, 2010, Coordinator: I. Petrinić, University in Maribor, Partner: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Textile Technology, Coordinator: T. Pušić
  • 4. FP7-SME-2-217809: SMILES ‘SUSTAINABLE MEASURES for INDUSTRIAL LAUNDRY EXPANSION STRATEGIES: SMART LAUNDRY-2015’. EC, September, 1 st 2008 - November, 30th 2011, Coordinator: Belgian Federation for Textile Care; Partner: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Textile Technology, Coordinator: T. Pušić
  • 5. Textile Characterization, 2009., project with Company P&G, New Hampshire, Coordinator in front of University of Zagreb, Faculty of Textile Technology: T. Pušić
  • 6. Bilateral HR-SI project: „Interaction of surfactants in detergent solution“, Ministry of Science Education and Sport of the Republic of Croatia, (2010-2011), Coordinators: T. Pušić / B. Simončić

 Research and development accomplishments

  • Patent: P20080210A, Formulation of liquid detergent for machine washing leather products

 Work in scientific and professional associations

  • Member of the of International Technical Committee for Textile Care (ICTC)
  • Member of Postgraduate Studies of University of Zagreb Faculty of Textile Technology Committee
  • Member of Croatian Association of Textile Engineers (HIST), Zagreb

 Acknowledgments and rewards

  • Worthy member of SITT Croatia, 1978.
  • Annual Award for scientific work ″Nikola Tesla″ by Republic of Croatia,1989.
  • Presidential Medal of Order Danica Hrvatska with the figure of Ruđer Bošković, 1996.
  • Certificate with golden medal, HIST, 1998.
  • Certificate with golden medal, journal Tekstil, 2002.
  • Plaque of member-founder of Croatian Academy of Technical Sciences, 2003.
  • Award »Fran Bošnjaković« by University of Zagreb, 2005.

Ph. D. Ivo Soljačić, Prof. Emeritus