unizg Search

Fashion Journalism

Teachers in charge

Prof. Ivana Salopek Čubrić, Ph.D.

Study, Module

Textile and Fashion Design - graduate, Module Textile Design
Textile and Fashion Design - graduate, Module Fashion Design
Textile and Fashion Design - graduate, Module Costume Design
Textile and Fashion Design - graduate, Module Theory and Culture of Fashion

Textile Technology and Engineering - graduate, Module Engineering Design and Management of Textiles
Textile Technology and Engineering - graduate, Module Textile Chemistry, Materials and Ecology
Textile Technology and Engineering - graduate, Module Clothing Engineering
Textile Technology and Engineering - graduate, Module Textile Design for Industry
Textile Technology and Engineering - graduate, Module Clothing Design for Industry

summary ∑ (L+P+S):




Knowledge verification

Writing exam

Precondition for testing

Regular attendance of lectures and seminars

Lecture type

Lectures and seminars

Exercise type


Subject content

Effective journalistic communication in the segment of fashion and design. Writing qualities with respect to the target group. Features of basic newspaper formats.
Identification of the structure of fashion magazines and dominant newspaper genres.
The process of writing fashion announcements through six stages. Digital media and new journalistic narratives.
Features of written communication in public relations.

Aim of course

The aim of the course is to acquaint students with the basic determinants of fashion journalism in the context of different media. As part of the course, students will critically review the differences between existing newspaper genres and learn to independently design basic newspaper forms. Furthermore, they will be introduced to the essential laws of creating media content, respecting the clarity of expression, accuracy of data and compliance with ethical approaches to reporting. As part of the course, they will combine journalistic skills and values with basic fashion knowledge. Special attention will be paid to the acquisition of relevant knowledge and skills for self-design of publications in the field of fashion that are a feature of professional work in the editorial offices of various media, in public communication or public relations. Through seminar papers, students will be encouraged to critically reflect on the given literature and to argue their own ideas in discussions and through written essays.


Swanson K. K., Everett J. C.: Writing for the fashion business, Fairchild Books, 2008.

Malović, S.: Osnove novinarstva; Golden Marketing-Tehnička knjiga, 2005.

Salopek Čubrić, I; Bartolić, S.: Fashion journalism – historical overview and evolution from print to digital media, Proceedings of International symposium of current developments in science, technology and social sciences

Salopek Čubrić, I.: Public Relations in Fashion and Textiles: Focus group research, Proceedings of 6th International Textile Conference

Mandurić, Tea; Ritoša, Sara; Salopek Čubrić, Ivana: An Analysis of the communication aspect and content of fashion magazines over time, Proceedings of Current Scientific Research

Topolko, Paula; Perišić, Hela; Bartolić, Suzana; Salopek Čubrić, Ivana: Fashion Journalism: Approach to Journal and Fashion Blog Analysis Proceedings of 3rd International Marmara Scientific, Research and Innovation Congress













Fashion Journalism