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The acronym AMAC or AMCA is created by the Latin word Almae Matris Croaticae Alumni, and stands for Association of Graduate Students of Croatia. Associations that operate under this name are civic non-profit associations and bring together graduates of a higher education institution.

Establishment of similar associations is a practice in university centers in the world, and so in our country they have been established. All of them are organized into the home section of the AMAC Domus. AMAC branches also exist outside the country and are organized into the AMAC - Mundus foreign section.

AMAC associations operate in North America, Europe, Australia, Asia and Africa. Their work was particularly evident in the war years in Croatia, when they provided invaluable assistance in promoting Croatia in the world, as well as any material assistance.

There are many reasons for establishing such associations. These are the most important ones:

  • building and strengthening relationships and collaboration between alumni and the Faculty
  • creating and intensifying contacts and connections between alumni of the Faculty
  • preserving the tradition and promoting the reputation of the Faculty
  • care for the development and progress of the Faculty
  • development of disciplines that study at the Faculty and promotion of the profession's reputation
  • encouraging and building links and cooperation between the Faculty and similar educational, development and research institutions in the Republic of Croatia and worldwide
  • establishing and developing cooperation with similar associations (AMAC / AMCA) in our country and in the world
  • influence on creation of public scientific and expert opinion and position on all important issues of textile development and their application
  • professional and scientific training of members of the association
  • influencing the development and progress of nature and the environment


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