Graduate university studies
Textile and Fashion Design (TFD)

The graduates from the course in Textile and Fashion Design are educated to work in fashion design studios in textile and garment manufacturing companies, in independent fashion studios, theatres, movie industry, television studios, museums and secondary schools, as well as on other jobs where it is necessary to understand and be acquainted with fashion trends, have artistic sensibility and comprehensive education in humanities.
The scope of education in fine arts enables the graduates to express their creativity, developed through the course, and form professionally accurate assessments of artistic/designer value of various products. The skills in fashion design enables the graduates to understand and follow global fashion trends, while the topics mastered in humanities and marketing in the modules gives them a chance to work in fashion marketing and advertising departments of various media.
The graduate courses offered by the Faculty of Textile Technology last for 4 semesters. Graduates earn at least 120 ECTS credits.
The course in Textile and Fashion Design offers 4 branches:
- Textile Design
- Fashion Design
- Costume Design
- Theory and Culture of Fashion