Clothing Engineering
In module Clothing engineering at undergraduate level students are qualified for individual work in engineering tasks and are directed at the field of clothing technologies and engineering. Upon completion of the graduate study within this module they are qualified to solve the most complex production tasks successfully and to design production systems of clothing technologies. Moreover, they will also be well prepared for scientific work as the basis for the continuation of their postgraduate study.
The module curriculum is devised in such a way that it provides the acquisition of professional knowledge of clothing technologies and interdisciplinary knowledge necessary for the realization of individual steps in clothing production (appropriate material selection; functional clothing design; operation of machines and automata; quality management; planning and control of technological processes as well as economical aspects of production systems).
The module program of Clothing engineering provides a solid basis for the development of a professionally responsible, qualified and versatile engineer who is able to work in a work environment applying his satisfactory knowledge of finances, communications, information technology as well as artistic and social contents. The optional courses of the module provide to master supplementary contents of clothing design and social sciences (economy, sociology, psychology, and entrepreneurship).
Possibilities of employment for specialists graduated from the module Clothing engineering are very high because clothing production (being the basis of the proposed curriculum of the module) belongs to the most successful export branches of the Republic of Croatia. The basic objective of the module Clothing engineering is to educate highly qualified personnel with developing creative abilities and application of new production technologies of clothing production.