Textile Chemistry, Materials and Ecology
New high-quality materials, new techniques of manufacturing and finishing textile products, environment protection and recycling present base of the textile production modern development.
In accordance with modern tendency, students will obtain basic technical skill and competence for their engineers work in context of teaching on module Textile chemistry, materials and ecology of pre graduation study of Textile technology and engineering. At the close graduation study the students are qualified for professional sophisticated items based on scientifically admission.
In first three semesters curriculum includes subjects of mandatory discipline (chemistry, mathematics, physics, computer science, etc.) and base of profession (fibres, textile materials, textile finishing and dyeing). The accomplishments gave students base for overcoming specific knowledge on high years of their study.
Module Textile chemistry, materials and ecology primary purpose is highly qualified specialist education, with the aim to prepare them to be able to use modern technologies, apply quality management systems and also solve environmental protection problems in fields of production, finishing, testing and recycling textile materials.