Textile and Clothing Design for Industry
The studies of textile and clothing design for industry has been started because of the great interest of students who are interested in clothing and textile design for industry, but also in scientific research of the process of creating and realisation of the project of textile and clothing collection. The mandatory and obligatory courses are suggested in these studies that complete the contents.
The student of clothing design for industry must know the new technologies because of the fast development of technologies that enable quicker, more qualitative and cheaper clothes production and better placement on the market. This is achieved by interactive teaching. By integrating all this knowledge he/she becomes highly competitive expert who excellently controls all the parts of a composite process of textile and clothing product, done in conditions of serial production.
The studies gives knowledge and develops the talents of the student, so that he/she could also get closer to the scientific level and after graduate studies continue with postgraduate studies to get the doctor's degree. After graduate studies he/she gets the title magister of textile technology and engineering, clothing and textile designer for industry, and he/she is qualified for independent work on the project of textile and clothing collection as a manager and director in fashion studio, industry and management.