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Erasmus+ Agreements

The exchange of students and teaching staff (for the purpose of studying abord or traineeship aboard, as well as teaching or training) is most easily achieved through the signed Erasmus+ Programme countries interinstitutional Agreements (KA103).

Within the Erasmus+ program, TTF has signed 17 interinstitutional Agreements.

Interinstitutional Agreements

Naslov Institution Country / City ISCED
2. Technical University of Liberec Czech Republic /Liberec 0723
3. Tallinn University of Applied Sciences Estonia/Tallinn
4. National Graduate School of Engineering and Chemistry of Lille (ENSCL) France/Lille
5. Institute Textile et Chique de Lyon ITECH) France/Lyon
6. Université de Haute-Alsace France/Mulhouse
7. Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Industries Textiles France/Roubaix
8. Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse France/Toulouse
9. Dresden University of Technology Germany/Dresden
10. Technologiko Ekpaideftiko Idryma (TEI) Pirea Greece/Aegaleo
11. Accademia di Belle Arti di Lecce Italy/Lecce
12. Università IUAV di Venezia Italy/Venice
13. Italian University of Arts and Design (IUAD) Italy/Napoli
14. SS. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje Macedonia/Skopje
15. Goce Delcev University Macedonia/Štip
16. University of Bielsko-Biala Poland/Bielsko-Biala
17. Lodz University of Technology Poland/Lódz
18. Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im. Władysława Strzemińskiego w Łodzi Poland/Lódz
19. Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi Romania/Iaşi
20. Universitatea din Oradea Romania/Oradea
21. University of Ljubljana Slovenia/Ljubljana
22. Visoka škola za dizajn v Ljubljani, samostojni visokowolski zavod Slovenia/Ljubljana
23. University of Maribor Slovenia/Maribor
24. Universitat Politécnica de Cataluña (UPC) Spain/Barcelona
25. Complutense University of Madrid Spain/Madrid
26. University of Borås Sweden/Borås
27. Cukurova University Turkey/Adana
28. Afyon Kocatepe University Turkey/Afyon
29. Pamukkale University Turkey/Denizli
30. Istanbul Technical University Turkey/Istanbul
31. Istanbul Aydin University Turkey/Istanbul
32. Ege Üniversitesi Turkey/Izmir
33. University of Manchester (only staff mobility for teaching) UK/Manchester

Bilateral agreements

Bilateral cooperation at the University of Zagreb is based on mutually coordinated and signed bilateral agreements, which covers these forms of cooperation: working on mutually agreed topics, exchange of students and teaching staff, joint publishing, information exchange and other activities that promotes academic cooperation.

FTT Bilateral Agreements:

  • ENSAIT - Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts et Industries Textiles, Roubaix, France
  • Technical University of Iasi, Iasi, Romania
  • Universiteit Gent, Belgium
  • TEI Piraeus, Athens, Greece
  • Heriot Watt University - School of Textiles and Design, Galashiels, UK
  • Tampere University of Technology, Finland
  • Politecnico di Turin, Italy Kaunas University of Technology,
  • Lithuania University de Catalugna, Barcelona,
  • Spain University of Borås, Sweden.
