Mechatronic and robotics
Teachers in charge
Assoc. Prof. Goran Čubrić, Ph.D.
Study, Module
Textile Technology and Engineering - graduate, Module Clothing Engineering
Course summary ∑ (L+P+S):
4 (2+2+0)
Knowledge verification
writing exam, oral exam
Lecture type
lectures, practice
Exercise type
audio practice, laboratory practice
Subject content
Fitting tools. Design and construction of lasts. Materials and thermal procedures in last making. Materials and thermal procedures in last making. Last making mechanisms, ruffing and joining. Injection molding unit. Production lines and machinery for making various footwear types.
Aim of course
Possibility of last design and selection of materials for last making. Determination of necessary machinery for a new technological procedure of footwear production.
Literature necessary for course
Nikolić G.: Osnove automatizacije strojeva za proizvodnju odjeće, TTF-Zrinski, Čakovec 2001 Komissariva, A.I.: Proektirovanie i rascet mashin obuvnih i svejnih proizvodstvov, Mashinostroenie, Moskva, 1978