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Elements of Clothing Design II

Teachers in charge

Assoc. Prof. Irena Šabarić Škugor, Ph.D.


Franka Karin, mag. ing. techn. text., Assistant

Study, Module

Textile and Fashion Design - undergraduate, Module Fashion Design

Course summary

3 (1+2+0)



Knowledge verification

oral exam

Precondition for testing

Map with drawings done et workshops and lectures

Lecture type

lectures, practice

Exercise type

audio practice

Subject content

Lectures: Knowledge of types of classical clothing and clothing elements as the basis for clothing collections. Based on the origin (English classic: redingote, trechcoat, blazer, norfolk etc., children's, sports and work wear). Drawing of a fashionable moving figure , men's, women's and children's wear as the basis of clothing design that must be constructively and technologically legible without losing the designer's individuality. Exercises: Drawing of technological clothing simbols on the board and explaining individual clothing elements, individual correction of student drawings. Based on the submitted materials the student makes a design according to the content of teaching units during the lecture emphasising the originality and fashionable cut.

Aim of course

The students are qualified to make clothing design based on the selection of materials and the use of classical clothing cut making the basis for each season collection. They shall know how to make use of the given material for making a collection and to refresh the classical cut in agreement with market trends and requirements. Classical cut is varied, but eventually it remains recognizable, only individual details are varied, added or removed, materials are selected depending on seasons and silhouettes depending on a trend.

Literature necessary for course

Maja Vinković: Likovno projektiranje odjeće I., Tekstilno-tehnološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1999. Zagreb Maja Vinković:Muška moda-trend 88/99; Tekstil 37 (3) 139-148 (1988.) UDK 687.11 pregled Ireland P.J. Fashion design drawing and presentation. London BT Batsford 1982. Fashion Magazines

Supplement literature

Bammes G. Der Nackte Mensch. Dresden: VEB der Kunst 1982. Barcsay J. Muveszeti anatomia. Budapest : Corvin Kiado 1985. Esmond G.L. Methode du dessin figurine de la mode . Paris : MPL 1979. Arnold A.L. Mode Grafik. Bad Kohlgrub : Arnold 1970.

Elements of Clothing Design II

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