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Elements of Clothing Design III

Teachers in charge

Assoc. Prof. Irena Šabarić Škugor, Ph.D.


Franka Karin, mag. ing. techn. text., Assistant

Study, Module

Textile and Fashion Design - undergraduate, Module Fashion Design

Course summary

4 (1+3+0)



Knowledge verification

oral exam

Precondition for testing

Pass the exam : Elements of clothing design I, II

Lecture type

lectures, practice

Exercise type


Subject content

Lectures: Types of seasonal clothing collection, application and genre. Process of making collections, knowledge of materials used for spring/summer, autumn/winter collection and for suplementary collections featuring fashion trends. Exercises: verification of possible personal ideas of students by modelling cuts and three-dimensional designing on paper and unbleached linen in actual size. Based on the verified idea a collection is designed without deviating from the tested cut line of clothing. Such work with students provides profitability in making a clothing collection.

Aim of course

Students are qualified to realize their original idea no matter how unfeasible it seems. It starts from numerous small sketches, and the best and most original one is selected, it is further worked out into a project, being the basis of modeling the cut in actual size from wrapping paper. After the modelling is competed and possible mistakes are verified on paper, the cut is verified on unbleached lininen, and the verified cut servs as the basis for making the whole collection. This is the creation of a rapid prototype which is profitable both in small fashion studios and in industry.

Literature necessary for course

Maja Vinković: Likovno projektiranje odjeće I., Tekstilno-tehnološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 1999. Zagreb Maja Vinković:Muška moda-trend 88/99; Tekstil 37 (3) 139-148 (1988.) UDK 687.11 pregled Maja Vinković: Moda i dizajn u službi marketinga, Tekstil 42 (4) 222-232 (1993.) Fashion Magazines Maja Vinković: Međunarodni sekretarijat za vunu predstavlja trendove mode za sezonu jesen/zima 1987/88. Tekstil 36 (2) 96-98

Supplement literature

Zeshu Takamura: The use markers in fashion illustrations, by Graphic-sha Publishing Co., Ltd., 1991. Esmond G.L. Methode du dessin figurine de la mode . Paris : MPL 1979. Arnold A.L. Mode Grafik. Bad Kohlgrub : Arnold 1970.

Elements of Clothing Design III

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