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Descriptive Geometry

Teachers in charge

Assoc. Prof. Mirna Rodić, Ph.D.

Study, Module

Textile Technology and Engineering - undergraduate, Module Clothing Engineering

Course summary

2 (1+1+0)



Knowledge verification

Partial written exam, written exam (if the student does not pass the partial exam), oral exam

Precondition for testing

Attendance of lectures and practice. All homeworks done.

Lecture type

Lectures, practice

Exercise type

Auditory and practical


The student will be able to:
- identify and explain the relationships between objects in space;
- define and explain the basic concepts of projection (in Monge's method and oblique axonometry);
- represent (simple) object in space using the method of orthogonal projection (Monge's method – using top view, front view, side view);
- based on the two (or three) orthogonal projections, to conclude which object in space is it, and to sketch it;
- precisely construct curves of the second order.

Outline of the course content

Golden section. Curves of the second order. Orthogonal projection (Monge) on two/three perpendicular planes. Oblique axonometry. 

Aim of course

Developing space perception. Introduction to different methods of presenting 3D situations in two dimensions.

Literature necessary for course

V.Szirovicza, A.Sliepčević: Descriptive Geometry, 1st and 2nd part, Element, Zagreb, 1997. (in Croatian) K.Horvatić-Baldasar, I.Babić: Descriptive Geometry, SAND doo, Zagreb, 1997. (in Croatian)

Supplement literature

V.Niče: Descriptive Geometry, 1st and 2nd part, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1987. (in Croatian)

Descriptive Geometry

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