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Work Study

Teachers in charge

prof. dr. sc. Anica Hursa Šajatović


doc. dr. sc. Bosiljka Šaravanja

Study, Module

Textile Technology and Engineering - undergraduate, Module Clothing Engineering

Course summary

4 (2+2+0)



Knowledge verification

writing exam, oral exam

Lecture type

lectures, practice

Exercise type

audio practice, laboratory practice

Subject content

Work-study in contemporary organisation of production. The characteristics of the piece production. Time norms. Using time norms. Recording equipment. Normal time. The coefficient of dedication and its standard distribution. Additional time. The coefficient of additional time. Approach to recording. The method of recording basic times. Variants in cyclic sub-operations. Data processing and the methods of calculating time norms. Control and analysis of the fulfilment of norms. Analysis of machine work. Analysis of time loss in the working process. The methods of defining time loss. Simplification of the process of work. Principles of rationalisation and their application. Diagram of doing business. The calculation of profit. Economic comparison of two methods of work.

Aim of course

Mastering the above topics will enable the students to get an insight into the rules of manufacturing at a higher quality level, at lower costs and in shorter time, and will give them the skills to monitor these rules and their application. Employing the above rules means reducing the costs of production, which is a key prerequisite for improving the position in the competitive market. The students will be able to use scientific methods to analyses and improve all the segments of logistic support in production and business in general, from the point of view of engineering and business efficiency. The knowledge acquired is an important prerequisite for further studies and understanding the topics associated with all the processes in garment engineering, preparation and organisation of manufacture and production lines, as well as for a proper usage and implementation of technical documents.

Literature necessary for course

Taboršak D.: Work study (in Croatian), Orgadata, Zagreb 1994. Car M., Krznar M., Šimon K.: Work Study (in Croatian), University of Zagreb, Zagreb 1993.

Supplement literature

Polajnar A.: Work study (in Slovenian), Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maribor, SI 1999.; ISBN 86-435-0287-1 Selection of papers from Croatian and foreign magazines.

Work Study

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