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Creativity in Clothing I A

Teachers in charge

Assist. Prof. Ivana Mrčela, Ph.D.

Course Code


Study, Module

Textile and Fashion Design - undergraduate, Module Textile Design
Textile and Fashion Design - undergraduate, Module Fashion Design

Course summary

4 (1+3+0)



Knowledge verification

preliminary exam

Precondition for testing


Lecture type

lectures, practice

Exercise type


Subject content

Intoduction in clothing design according to the principles of the theory of visual language. The progressive development of visual sense for clothing shapes. The process from the plane to the plastic artistic thinking. It is shown with different graphic, painting and combined artistic techniques.

Aim of course

With this course the students develop their sense about the structure of an artistic work and clothing as a 3D, according to different artistic techniues.

Literature necessary for course

Matko Peić - Pristup likovnom djelu Itten - Umjetnost boja Different books and magazines from the field of art, the history of textile and clothing, folclore, nature, design, environment and textile design

Supplement literature

Visiting fashion shows, fairs, exhibitions, museums, textile and clothing industry.

Creativity in Clothing I A

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