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Man-Made Fibers Manufacture and Modification

Teachers in charge

Prof. Sanja Ercegović Ražić, Ph. D.


Anja Ludaš Dujmić, mag. ing. techn. text., Assistant

Study, Module

Textile Technology and Engineering - graduate, Module Textile Chemistry, Materials and Ecology

Course summary

4 (2+2+0)



Knowledge verification

preliminary exam, writing exam, oral exam

Lecture type

lectures, practice

Exercise type

laboratory practice

Subject content

Basic demands on polymers for fibers manufacture. Rheological properties of liquid polymers and fiber spinnability. Mechanism of fibre forming and technological prerequisites - chemical spinning. Final fiber structure formation and fiber properties. Technological procedures of chemical spinning: melt spinning, dry and wet spinning; Making processes of main man-made fibres. Special technology of spinning inorganic fibres. Target modification of fiber properties in the production process: by adding co-monomers, additives, by incorporation of microcapsules (nanotechnology), by varying process parameters, at the level of micro and macro morphology, by crimping, by applying spin-finishes. Processes and technology of microfibre making.

Aim of course

Knowledge of the mechanisms of man-made fiber formation; observing the dependence between process parameters of chemical spinning and structure and properties of produced fibres; significance of high technology in the development of new high-performance fibers and materials. Basic qualification for the chemical spinning process control.

Literature necessary for course

R. Čunko: Processes of Man-Made Fibres Manufacture, University of Zagreb/Faculty of Textile Technology, Zagreb, 1993 (textbook)

Supplement literature

T. Nakajima: Advanced Fiber Spinning Technology, Woodhead Publishing Ltd, 2000

Man-Made Fibers Manufacture and Modification

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