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Natural Dyeing

Teachers in charge

Prof. Ana Sutlović, Ph.D.


Assist. Prof. Iva Brlek, Ph.D.



Study, Module

Textile Technology and Engineering - graduate, Module Textile Chemistry, Materials and Ecology



Knowledge verification

preliminary exam

Lecture type

lectures, practice

Exercise type

laboratory practice

Subject content

History of natural dyestuff, A survey of plants used as resources for natural dyestuff production (in Croatia and wider). Natural dyestuff in light of ethnographical heritage. Process of dyeing. Selection of mordants (metal salts). Classification of natural dyestuff according to chemical constitution, origin and hue. Natural dyestuff dyeing and tourism.

Aim of course

Lately, the interest for natural dyesuff has increased rapidly because of their wide use in manufacture and other hoby products like souvenirs. Through lectures and laboratory practice, an oportunity of developing creativity, especially for attractive touristic purposes, is given.

Literature necessary for course

J. Goodwin; A Dyer`s Manual, The Penguin Group, London 1990. Domestic and foreign publications

Natural Dyeing

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