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Restoration and Conservation of Textiles and Clothes

Teachers in charge

Assoc. Prof. Edita Vujasinović Ph.D.

Marijana Pavunc Samaržija, mag. ing. techn. text., lecturer

Course code


Study, Module

Textile Technology and Engineering - graduate, Module Textile Chemistry, Materials and Ecology

Course summary

2 (1+1+0)



Knowledge verification

writing exam, oral exam

Lecture type

lectures, practice

Exercise type

laboratory practice

Subject content

The aim is to introduce students to the role of science in the restoration and conservation of textiles and clothes (term definitions, international organizations, restoration departments). Aging and degradation consequences on textiles i.e. their structures and properties. Their impact on the selection of materials, agents and procedures which provide for the restoration of textile goods, such as: methods and agents in preparing processes, renewal of original structure using proper materials and techniques, as well as textile auxiliaries that may be applied in final finishing, in order to facilitate handling and improve the final look. Conservation procedures with respect to future textile surroundings conditions, so that textile form, durability and property can be preserved.

Aim of course

Students will obtain basic knowledge about procedures and methods that can be used in textile restoration and conservation, which will enable them to take an active role in the processes of textile restoration and conservation for the needs of various institutions (museums, galleries, theatres, research centres, schools, etc.)

Literature necessary for course

...: Conservation and Restoration of Textiles, Edited by F. Pertegato, Published by CISST Milan, IT 1982 ...: Conservation of Textiles, Book of Proceedings of Delft Conference on Conservation of Textiles, Published by International Institute for Conservation London, UK 1965

Supplement literature

Leene J.E.: Textile Conservation, Butterworth, UK 1972 Plenderleith H.J. & Werner A.E.A.: The conservation of antiques and work of art, Oxford University Press, UK 1989; ISBN 0 19 212960 0 Selected papers from journal Textile History (english language)

Restoration and Conservation of Textiles and Clothes

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