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Technical Textiles

Teachers in charge

Assoc. Prof. Maja Somogyi Škoc, Ph.D.


Luka Savić, mag. ing. techn. text., Assistant

Course code


Study, Module

Textile Technology and Engineering - graduate, Module Textile Chemistry, Materials and Ecology

Course summary

4 (2+2+0)



Knowledge verification

preliminary exam, writing exam, oral exam

Precondition for testing

laboratory practice, preliminary exam

Lecture type

lectures, practice

Exercise type

laboratory practice

Subject content

Chronology and development trend. Types of technical textiles according to domain of application: agrotextiles, textiles in civil engineering, cloth textiles, geotextiles, home textiles, textiles for industry, medical textiles, textiles in transportation, ecotextiles, textiles for survival, sport, package. Technical fibres. Production forms: yarns, woven fabrics, knitted fabric and nonwoven fabrics. Coated textiles and textile-reinforced composite materials. Specific properties: strength, permitivity, transmitivity, flame protection, separation, filtration, biodegradability.

Aim of course

Course provide getting knowledge about types of technical textiles, their specific properties and mastering with methodology and technics of testing.

Literature necessary for course

A.R.Horrocks, S.C.Anand: Handbook of Technical Textiles, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, 2000 Selection of technical literature

Supplement literature

W.Albrecht, H.Fuchs, W.Kittelmann: Nonwoven Fabrics, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2003

Technical Textiles

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