unizg Search

Electrical engineering and electronics

Teachers in charge

doc. dr. sc. Miljenko Krhen

Study, Module

Textile Technology and Engineering - undergraduate, Module Engineering Design and Management of TextilesTextile Technology and Engineering - undergraduate, Module Textile Chemistry, Materials and EcologyTextile Technology and Engineering - undergraduate, Module Clothing EngineeringTextile Technology and Engineering - undergraduate, Module Textile and Clothing Design for Industry


4 (2+2+0)



Knowledge verification

preliminary exam, writing exam, oral exam

Precondition for testing

preliminary exam on laboratory practice

Lecture type

lectures, practice

Exercise type

audio practice, laboratory practice

Subject content

Physical basics of electricity, electrical field and electrical potential. Capacitance, capacitors. Electrical (dc,ac) current. Resistance and conductivity, Ohms law. Jules low. Magnetic properties of materials. Inductivity. Transformers. Electrical circuits and Kirchoffs law. Impedance and frequency characteristics. Electrical power. Three phase systems. Semiconductors, diodes, transistors. Amplifiers, Digital circuits, Analogue to digital conversion.

Aim of course

Students will on informative level understand main topics on electrical engineering and electronics. Beside fundamental information in the field students will be able to understand and follow technological aspects of electrical engineering and electronics implementation in textile technology applications.

Literature necessary for course

Pinter V. (1994.). Osnovi Elektrotehnike, knjiga prva Zagreb: Tehnička knjiga. Pinter V. (1994.). Osnovi Elektrotehnike, knjiga druga Zagreb: Tehnička knjiga Gold H., Kavran Z., (1999) Elementi i sklopovi TK uređaja (Analogna elektronika) Zagreb, Fakultet prometnih znanosti Gold H., Kavran Z., (1997) Elementi i sklopovi TK uređaja (Digitalna elektronika) Zagreb, Fakultet prometnih znanosti

Supplement literature

Felja I., Koračin D. (1992) Zbirka zadataka i riješenih primjera iz osnova elektrotehnike - 1. dio i 2. dio, Zagreb, Školska knjiga.

Electrical engineering and electronics

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