unizg Search

English Language III

Teachers in charge

Antonia Treselj,  Prof. lecturer 

Study, Module

Textile Technology and Engineering - undergraduate, Module Engineering Design and Management of TextilesTextile Technology and Engineering - undergraduate, Module Textile Chemistry, Materials and EcologyTextile Technology and Engineering - undergraduate, Module Clothing EngineeringTextile Technology and Engineering - undergraduate, Module Textile and Clothing Design for Industry

Course summary

3 (1+2+0)



Knowledge verification

preliminary exam

Lecture type

lectures, practice

Exercise type

audio practice

Subject content

The aim of foreign language teaching at the university is to acquire special words or expressions used in relation to all textile technologies and to use language and grammatical structures of foreign language (English and German) properly. It shall enable students to read and use the textile terminology about basic topics from the field of main textile technologies: spinning, weaving, knitting, finishing, textile care, clothing production and fashion design. Most attention is paid to fashion design. Students shall acquire an appropriate command of Textile and Fashion Design English.

Aim of course

Acquisition of written and oral communication, acquisition of the most important language skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing and translating, and language contents: vocabulary, communication patterns, phonological and orthographic features and the most important grammar units connected with technical literature.

Literature necessary for course

English: Vuljanić, N., Vuljanić, D.: English for Textile Engineers and Fashion Designers, Zagreb, 2004 German: Horvatić, M., Deutsch fuer Studenten der Textiltechnologie, Teksitlno-tehnološki fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2004

Supplement literature

English: Bujas, Ž., Veliki englesko-hrvatski rječnik, Globus, Zagreb, 1999, Filipović, R., An Outline of Englisch Grammar, last editions German: Uroić, M, Hurm, A., Njemačko-hrvatski rječnik, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1996, Medić, I, Kleine deutsche Grammatik,1996, Školska knjiga, Zagreb

English Language III

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